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  • Poles Apart


    Poles Apart

    The seven related articles in this volume of Indiana Slavic Studies doubly counter the dominant focus in Polish Studies scholarship on "Literature penned by Great Men." This anthology turns the spotlight elsewhere—on the careers, works, and...

  • Case Book for Czech

    Janda & Clancy

    Case Book for Czech

    More than a decade of research on Slavic case semantics has come together in a valuable new pedagogical tool through the work of Laura Janda and Steven Clancy. The Case Book for Czech presents the Czech case system in terms of structured semantic wholes...

  • Orientalism and Empire

    David-Fox, Michael

    Orientalism and Empire

    Articles originally published in the journal Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. A portion of the editors' introduction states: "With their broad range of thematic foci and theoretical approaches, the contributors to this volume...

  • Vampire Lore

    Perkowski, Jan

    Vampire Lore

    This omnibus volume collects under a single cover the entire oeuvre of writings by Jan Louis Perkowski on the vampire theme in mythology and folklore, including his three previously published monographs (Vampires, Dwarves, and Witches Among the Ontario...

  • The Bill Question

    Aronson et al.

    The Bill Question

    Contributions to the Study of Linguistics and Languages in Honor of Bill J. Darden on the Occasion of His Sixty-Sixth Birthday.   "Howard Aronson tells a story from the days when Bill Darden was a graduate student at the University of Chicago...

  • Anthology of Bulgarian Literature

    Cooper & Mladenov

    Anthology of Bulgarian Literature

    Over the centuries Bulgaria has been many things: a brilliant medieval empire (even two!), an abject, all-but-forgotten Ottoman province, a struggling kingdom, a docile satellite and now a democratic member of NATO ad a new member in the European Union...

  • Course in Mod Bulgarian, Parts 1&2

    Hubenova, Milka

    Course in Mod Bulgarian, Parts 1&2

    This combined reprint incorporates both volumes of an original two-volume Slavica reprint of the original work, published in Sofia in 1964 and 1968 under the title Български език, първа част and втора част, with Milka Marinova listed first among the...

  • A Supplementary Russian-English Dictionary, Second Edition

    Marder, Stephen

    A Supplementary Russian-English Dictionary, Second Edition

    The new edition of A Supplementary Russian-English Dictionary (ASRED 2) follows the same principles outlined in the first edition of 1992 and, likewise, contains important words and expressions not found in either of the two dictionaries most often...

  • Mirosław Żuławski: Tales of My Wife

    Swan, Oscar

    Mirosław Żuławski: Tales of My Wife

    Mirosław Żuławski. Opowieśći mojej żony/Tales of My Wife is a glossed reader containing 20 short stories by the late Polish writer and diplomat Mirosław Żulławski. Loosely connected to the nostalgia-enhanced but true history of a Polish family over...

  • Polish Literature from 1864-1918  Realism and Young Poland. An Anthology

    Mikos, Michael J.

    Polish Literature from 1864-1918 Realism and Young Poland. An Anthology

    The penultimate volume in Professor Michael Mikos's award-winning multi-volume survey of Polish literature in translation is devoted to two separate periods: Realism and "Young Poland", together spanning the years from 1865-1918. The annotated...

  • Kinotalk

    Mesropova, Olga


    This cinema based language textbook introduces high-intermediate and advanced students of Russian to eleven prominent Russian films of the 1990s. The chapters of the volume focus on the films' vocabulary, contents, and cultural implications, while...

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