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  • In the Realm of Slavic Philology

    john dingley & leon ferder

    In the Realm of Slavic Philology

    It is no exaggeration to state that Professor Dean S. Worth has been the most influential Slavic linguist in America of the first generation of scholars trained by Roman Jakobson. In addition to an extraordinary range of publications, he helped...

  • Nations and Nationalisms

    sabrina p. ramet, james r. felak, & herbert j. ellison

    Nations and Nationalisms

    Nationalism has been a driving force in the still unfinished era of nation-building in East Central Europe. Conventionally traced to the late Enlightenment and the French Revolution, the rise of nationalism colored nineteenth-century understandings...

  • Advanced Russian Tabloid Reader

    Mozur, Joseph

    Advanced Russian Tabloid Reader

    This reader for intermediate-advanced students is drawn from the "juicy" material of tabloid journalism; subjects range from the incredible and ridiculous to the horrendous and outrageous. The language is highly provocative, peppered with social...

  • Cakavian Prosody

    Langston, Keith

    Cakavian Prosody

    The ÄŒakavian dialects are known for their complex prosodic systems and have long been recognized as an important source of information for the historical reconstruction of Common Slavic accentuation. The study of the interactions of tone, quantity, and...

  • Polish Romantic Literature

    Mikos, Michael J.

    Polish Romantic Literature

    The period of Romanticism has a special meaning for the Polish people. In spite of political and military defeats suffered between 1772 and 1863, and, most tragically, the loss of independence, Poland "had not lost her life yet." Considerable credit...

  • Gøgøl: Exploring Absence

    Spieker, Sven

    Gøgøl: Exploring Absence

    I. The Un/Sayable 1. Renate Lachmann The Semantic Construction of the Void 2. Jurij Lotman The Truth as Lie in Gogol's Poetics 3. Mikhail N. Epshtein The Irony of Style: The Demonic Element in Gogol's Concept of Russia 4. Christopher Putney Gogol's...

  • Georgian Language and Culture

    Kiziria & Aronson

    Georgian Language and Culture

    This book is intended for students who have completed the equivalent of a first-year Georgian course. Designed to be used either in the classroom or for self-instruction, the book presupposes only a command of basic Georgian grammar and a basically...

  • Utrum in alterum

    Veder, William

    Utrum in alterum

    Texts handed down from generation to generation in manuscript form must be asked the fundamental question "Of two readings, which is more likely to have been corrupted into the other?" This question, which can be traced at least as far as Erasmus of...

  • A Short Grammar of Bulgarian

    RÃ¥ Hauge, Kjetil

    A Short Grammar of Bulgarian

    The grammar has three primary purposes. First, it may serve as a practical handbook, presenting the essential linguistic facts of contemporary Bulgarian to the foreign language learner who seeks to deepen his understanding of Bulgarian beyond the...

  • Russian Punctuation

    Vajda et al.

    Russian Punctuation

    Although punctuation is crucial to even basic written literacy in any European language, Russian language textbooks designed for English speakers routinely fail to provide even basic information on this important facet of written Russian. This new,...

  • American Contributions to the 12th International Congress of Slavists

    Robert A. Maguire and Alan Timberlake (eds.)

    American Contributions to the 12th International Congress of Slavists

    Contents Part I: Literature CAROL J. AVINS Jewish Ritual and Soviet Context in Two Stories of Isaac Babel     11 ELLEN CHANCES Reflections of Contemporary Russian Society, Culture, and Values in Iurii Mamin's Film, Window to...

  • Toward a Classless Society


    Toward a Classless Society

    Thompson Bradley taught Russian language and literature at Swarthmore College from 1962 to 2001. He has had a tremendous and continuing influence on colleagues, friends, students, and comrades in political organizing and action. This Festschrift honors...

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