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  • Supplemental Material for First Year Polish

    Polakiewicz, Leonard A.

    Supplemental Material for First Year Polish

    Although designed primarily for use with Oscar Swan's First Year Polish (also from Slavica), the material in this workbook can also be used with other Polish textbooks. Part I, Alphabet and Phonetics, has a systematic presentation of the Polish...

  • Beginning Slovak

    Swan & Lorinc

    Beginning Slovak

    This book, the first modern, full course of Slovak for English speakers, is intended for the first year of language study at the college level. It is also suitable for self study when used in combination with accompanying tapes. For additional...

  • Yugoslav Linguistics in English

    Milivojevic, Dragan

    Yugoslav Linguistics in English

    This is a bibliographical guide to the materials published in English on Yugoslav linguistics and the official languages -- Serbo-Croatian, Slovene, and Macedonian. In spite of the existence of annual bibliographies (the MLA Bibliography, Linguistic...

  • The Writer as Naysayer

    Bogert, Ralph

    The Writer as Naysayer

    Bogert's book studies the most culturally and politically influential Yugoslav intellectual of the twentieth century with emphasis on interpreting this many-sided modernist, the most prolific and arguably the most important author writing in...

  • A Description of Spoken Prague Czech

    Townsend, Charles

    A Description of Spoken Prague Czech

    Professor Townsend's book will be of interest not only to Bohemists, but also to students of Slavic linguistics and to sociolinguists, since spoken and written Czech are radically different and present an unusually interesting case of diglossia. The...

  • Essays on Revolutionary Culture

    Strong, John W.

    Essays on Revolutionary Culture

    Contents: Richard Stites: Festival and Revolution: The Role of Public Spectacle in Russia, 1917-1918;Gabriele Gorzka: Proletarian Culture in Practice: Workers' Clubs, 1917-1921;Felix Patrikeeff: Russian and Soviet Economic Penetration of...

  • Imperial Power and Development

    Rowney, Don Karl

    Imperial Power and Development

    Contents Foreword     7 Don Karl Rowney Introduction     9 Part I. Russian Adventurers in the Age of Enlightenment: Expeditions to the Pacific in the Eighteenth Century Basil Dmytryshyn Privately...

  • Lances Sing

    Mann, Robert

    Lances Sing

    Robert Mann reexamines the hypothesis that the Slovo o polku Igoreve is the work of a highly literate poet and concludes that the Slovo is more likely the text of a 12th-century court song. This study introduces a large number of new folkloric...

  • Aronson, Howard

    Georgian: A Reading Grammar

    Professor Aronson's book, originally published in 1982, was the first grammar of Georgian for beginners to be published in English. The goal of the book is to enable a student to read Georgian literature (primarily scholarly) with the aid of a...

  • Twelve Stories

    LaRocco & Paperno

    Twelve Stories

    These short stories by Mikhail Zoshchenko, a classic of Soviet satire, were collected from various early editions. They include such gems as "Rodnye Liudi", "Seren'kii kozlik", "Bania," and other stories. No changes were made in the text. All idiomatic,...

  • Неделя как неделя - Just Another Week

    Paperno et al.

    Неделя как неделя - Just Another Week

    This is a novelistic first-person account of a typical week in the life of a Soviet woman and her efforts to hold down two full-time jobs: one as a scientist in a laboratory, the other as a mother and wife. The general problem is a familiar one in...

  • The Darkling

    Perkowski, Jan

    The Darkling

    Some years ago, while pursuing folklore field work in eastern Canada, the author stumbled upon an active vampire cult. The interest aroused by this discovery led to a series of invited lectures and eventually the establishment of a college course...

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