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  • Language Planning in Yugoslavia

    Bugarski, Ranko

    Language Planning in Yugoslavia

    Contents Notes on the Contributors     5 Introduction     7 I Language Situation and General Policy Ranko Bugarski Language in Yugoslavia: Situation, Policy,...

  • Mental Grammar

    Durst-Anderson, Per

    Mental Grammar

    Durst-Andersen develops a new conceptual framework for the clarification of the relations between verbal, sentential, and utterance meaning and aspectuality. The book takes up some of the hardest problems of Russian aspect usage, e.g., the usage of...

  • Catalog of Manuscripts set

    Matejic, Mateja

    Catalog of Manuscripts set

    This unique achievement in the cataloging of medieval Slavic Cyrillic manuscripts provides 1,842 catalog records and over two hundred pages of unified indices representing medieval manuscript material brought together on microform in the Hilandar...

  • New York Missal

    Corin, Andrew

    New York Missal

    Along with an analysis of the New York Missal itself (a Croatian Glagolitic manuscript of the second quarter of the 15th century), this volume represents a statement of the phonetic, orthographic, and graphic characteristics of Croatian Church Slavonic...

  • Beginning Russian, 2nd ed.

    Nakhimovsky et al.

    Beginning Russian, 2nd ed.

    This improved one-volume edition of a very successful textbook contains just about the same vocabulary and introduces grammatical features in about the same order as the first edition. In other respects the book has been severely revised and...

  • Incipient Feminists

    Rudinsky, Norma L.

    Incipient Feminists

    Part history and part anthology, this close study of contemporary journal articles, letters, and poetry shows the extraordinary tension of the alternately competing and coalescing drives of nationalism and feminism among the Slovaks in...

  • The Instructor's Manual for: The Russian Desk

    Robin et al.

    The Instructor's Manual for: The Russian Desk

    Develop listening comprehension and oral proficiency with this unique course, using authentic audio and text materials from contemporary Soviet TV, radio, and press. Suitable for conversation courses, individualized study, and as a supplementary...

  • Russian Desk: A Listening and Conversation Course

    Robin et al.

    Russian Desk: A Listening and Conversation Course

    Develop listening comprehension and oral proficiency with this unique course, using authentic audio and text materials from contemporary Soviet TV, radio, and press. Suitable for conversation courses, individualized study, and as a supplementary...

  • The Dialect of Gorno Kalenik

    Hill, Peter

    The Dialect of Gorno Kalenik

    This monograph describes the South Slavic dialect of a village which is located about 6 km. south of the Greek-Yugoslav border and 10 km. from the town of Lerin (Florina). The author of this study, who is a professor of Slavic linguistics at the...

  • Tolstoy's Aesthetics

    Silbajoris, Rimvydas

    Tolstoy's Aesthetics

    Among the many paradoxes in Tolstoy's thought and action there is the dichotomy between his tremendous authority as an artist and his supposedly inconsequential, wrong-headed views on aesthetics, expressed in the treatise What is Art? The...

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