
  • Pushkin's I. P. Belkin


    Pushkin's I. P. Belkin

    By an analysis of the information about Belkin and the circumstances of the writing of the work, it is shown that Pushkin intended the work as a coded message concerning December 1825 and the events which followed. Contents Part I: Decoding 1...

  • The Predictability of the Past

    Alexander Rojavin

    The Predictability of the Past

    A bear self-begets in an ordinary Russian family’s bathroom, Pushkin accidentally survives his duel with d’Anthès, and the ill-fated family of a small boy born in prerevolutionary Russia stumbles through the 20th century all the way...

  • Long Conversations in Anticipation of a Joyous Death

    Yevsey Tseytlin, translated by Alexander Rojavin

    Long Conversations in Anticipation of a Joyous Death

    Yevsey Tseytlin’s Long Conversations in Anticipation of a Joyous Death  came about as the result of an unusual experiment. The subject of this book is unusual and deceptively simple: two authors, one young, one old and ailing, maintain a...

  • An Introduction to Estonian Literature

    Edited by Hilary Bird

    An Introduction to Estonian Literature

    Hilary Bird’s Introduction to Estonian Literature is truly a pioneering work, and a welcome contribution for anyone with an interest in the lively and flourishing literature of this small but culturally vibrant country. Ms. Bird’s coverage...

  • Into the Spotlight: New Writing from Slovakia

    Magdalena Mullek and Julia Sherwood (eds.)

    Into the Spotlight: New Writing from Slovakia

    "There are stories that could have taken place anywhere - of love and hate, beauty and ugliness, illness and music - stories distinctly and intriguingly Slovak..."     Into the Spotlight features the best of what Slovak literature has to offer...

  • Staging the Image: Dmitry Prigov as Artist and Writer

    Gerald Janecek (ed.)

    Staging the Image: Dmitry Prigov as Artist and Writer

    Dmitry Prigov (1940–2007), the most prominent figure in Moscow Conceptualism, is not well known in the West because of a lack of English translations of his work and scholarship in English. This collection of articles by some of the most devoted...

  • Ivan’s Daughter: Short Stories and a Novella

    By Valentin Rasputin, Translated by Margaret Winchell

    Ivan’s Daughter: Short Stories and a Novella

    For more about Ivan's Daughter, read our interview with translator Margaret Winchell.  As E. L. Doctorow noted, “The historian will tell you what happened. The novelist will tell you what it felt like.” Understanding present-day...

  • Apollon Bezobrazov

    By Boris Poplavsky, Translated by John Kopper

    Apollon Bezobrazov

    This is the first title in Slavica's new imprint, Three String Books. Three String Books is an imprint of Slavica Publishers devoted to translations of literary works and belles-lettres from Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and the other...

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