History & Area Studies

  • No Collusion book cover

    David M. Griffiths, edited by George E. Munro

    No Collusion! Catherine the Great and American Independence

    Empress Catherine II, building on the military and diplomatic successes of Emperor Peter I and Empress Elizabeth, in less than two decades of rule brought Russia to the forefront among European powers. Her creation of a League of Armed Neutrality,...

  • Being Grounded in Love

    Maria A Shelyakhovskaya & Christina E. Petrides

    Being Grounded In Love

    "The present volume is a conscious effort to look at and grasp the meaning of the tumultuous one hundred years of Russian and Soviet history (1872-1981) by taking an ordinary family perspective as a vantage point and reconstructing it based on the...

  • Ukrainian Chapter Book Cover

    Translated by Michael Eli Nutkiewicz

    A Ukrainian Chapter: A Jewish Aid Worker's Memoir of Sorrow

    Eli Gumener’s 1921 Yiddish memoir, A Ukrainian Chapter, is a rare historical source about relief work spanning the two most devastating years of the pogroms in the Russian Civil War. He concentrates on the collapse of Jewish communities in Podolia,...

  • The Great Republic book cover

    Edited by Susan Smith-Peter

    The Great Republic Tested by the Touch of Truth

    Aleksei Evstaf´ev’s 1852 book, The Great Republic Tested by the Touch of Truth, is an early work in English by a native of Ukraine who identified as a Russian. Drawing from his years of Russian diplomatic service in the United States,...

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