Occasional Poems

Kochanowski, Jan

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Product Overview

Occasional Poems, the third in this series of Jan Kochanowski's works, contains seven occasional poems rendered into English for the first time.  They are: On the Death of Jan Tarnowski, Memorial, Epithalamium, Incursion into Muscovy, Concord, Satyr, and Banner or the Prussian Homage.  They are presented here in thematic order; the first two are elegies, the next two celebrate the wedding of a powerful magnate and his victorious military campaign, while the last three deal with important political and religious issues in 16th-century Poland.


Michael J. MikoÅ› is a Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  He is the author of 18 books, including a six-volume history and anthology of Polish literature, and a recipient of the PEN Club Prize for his translations of Polish literature into English.