Imperial Power and Development

Rowney, Don Karl

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Product Overview


Foreword     7

Don Karl Rowney

Introduction     9

Part I. Russian Adventurers in the Age of Enlightenment: Expeditions to the Pacific in the Eighteenth Century

Basil Dmytryshyn

Privately Financed Russian Expeditions to the North Pacific in the Eighteenth Century     17

E. A. P. Crownhart-Vaughan

Eighteenth-Century Russian Scientific Expeditions to the North Pacific Ocean     38

Part II. Foreign Policy and Diplomacy in the Nineteenth Century

Frank W. Thackeray

Varieties of Diplomacy: Polish Foreign Policy during the Congress Kingdom     56

Emanuel Halicz

Russian Policy Towards the Scandinavian Countries, 1856-1864     68

Barbara Jelavich

Tsarist Russia and the Unification of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia, 1885-1886     101

Part III. Nineteenth-Century Development and Industrialization

Manfred Hildermeier

Social Change in the Russian Merchantry during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century     116

Yoshio Imai

N. G. Chernyshevskii: Pioneer of the Russian Cooperative Movement     134

Anders Johansson

Swedish Branch Factories in Imperial Russia, 1885-1917     151

Part IV. An Additional Soviet Contribution to a Major Historiographical Debate

R. G. Skrynnikov

Afterword to the Kurbskii-Groznyi Apocrypha     175

Publications of the III World War Congress     188