
  • Letters in Chronicling Migration and Integration

    Eva Eckert

    Letters in Chronicling Migration and Integration

    The PÅ™ibyl brothers were joined by thousands of other migrantsfrom the Frenštát region in Moravia hoping to rebuild their homesin Texas in the 1870s and 1880s. Prior to integrating to America,they set up a safety net in an enclave of the...

  • Dislocation

    Edited by Julia Nemirovskaya and Anna Krushelnitskaya


    This collection reflects the developments and effects of the Ukraine War as seenby Russophone poets from all over the world. Divided into thematic clusters, thebook delves into the death, despair, displacements, and dislocations broughton by the war, and...

  • Mothersland

    Shahzoda Samarqandi- translated by Shelley Fairweather-Vega


      "I don't remember exactly whether my youth ended, and then the USSR, or if it was the other way around.  But I do know that those two things are connected.  Now I'm left here between two truths: the truth of the land, and the truth of...

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