Studies in Poetics

Semeka-Pankratov, Elena

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Elena Semeka-Pankratov

Editor's Preface:     ix

Henryk Baran

Krystyna Pomorska as Scholar: A Quest for Structure     xi

A Tribute to Krystyna Pomorska

Elzbieta Chodakowska Ettinger

Reflections on the Life of a Friend     3

Elzbieta Ettinger

"The Boiler" by Zofia Nalkowska (trans. from Polish)     5

Stephen Rudy

A Translation of a Poem by Boris Pasternak on Chopin's Third Piano Sonata in Memoriam Krystyna Pomorska Jakobson     15

Kari Egerton

A Letter from a Former Student     19

Samuel Jay Keyser

Mt. Auburn Cemetery     23

Semiotics of Culture

Lubomir Dolezhel

Roman Jakobson as a Student of Communication     27

Katherine T. O'Connor

Chekhov's Death: His Textual Past Recaptured     39

Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno

A Semiotic Model of Meaning in the Composite Artistic Text     51

C. H. van Schooneveld

Dumezil's Three Functions and the Semantic Structure of Language     59

Jindrich Toman

A Timely Reminder: Baudouin de Courtenay's Approach to the National Question     73

Thomas G. Winner

The Semiotics of Surrealism in the World of the Czech Avantgarde of the 1920s and 1930s     85

Structural Poetics

Joe Andrew

The Caresses of Black-Eyed Captive Women': Narrative, Desire and Gender in Pushkin's The Prisoner of the Caucasus     103

Edna Andrews

The Boundaries of Sense: Cvetaeva's Extension of the Morpheme     125

Bayara Aroutunova

Obrazy pernatyx v poetike B. Pasternaka     143

Henryk Baran

Majakovskij's Holiday Poem in a Literary-Cultural Context     161

Catherine V. Chvany

The Poetics of Truth in Solzhenicyn's Zaxar-Kalita (Zakhar-the-Pouch)     191

Neil Cornwell

Changing Places: Doctor Zhivago and the Russian Novel     207

Thomas Eekman

Trains and Travel in Chexov's Works     223

Boris Gasparov

 Ob odnom ritmiko-muzykal'nom motive v proze Pasternaka     233

Edythe C. Haber

 Bulgakov's White Guard and Pushkin     266

Morris Halle

An Orally Transmitted Poem of Majakovsky     275

Robert E. Jones

 Gogol and the French Dramatists of the Absurd     277

Kathleen Parthe

 The Poetics of Village Prose     285

Barry P. Scherr

Narrative Strategies in Tolstoy's Childhood     311

Elena Semeka-Pankratov

 Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter: Literature and Folklore     329

Savely Senderovich

Doktor Zhivago i Georgij Pobedonosec     365

Robert Szulkin

 Gogol's The Nose in Light of Sterne's Tristram Shandy     403

Vladimir N. Toporov

Elena Guro: Mif o voploshchenii iunoshi-syna, o ego smerti i voskresenii     415

Boris A. Uspensky

Anatomiia metafory u Mandel'shtama     453

Kei I. Yamanaka

A Cat Has Nine Names: Semiotic Analysis of Poe's The Black Cat     479

Linguistics and Poetics

Tat'jana Ja. Elizarenkova

O poniatii "novoj pesni" v Rigvede     497

Alexander Lubotsky

Accentuation in the Technique of the Vedic Poets     515

Elena V. Paducheva

K strukture teksta: govoriashchii kak sub''ekt rechi i sub''ekt soznaniia     535

Calvert Watkins

A Figure of Poetic Grammar in Indo-European: Synchrony and Diachrony in nuce     553

Olga T. Yokoyama

Narrative Intonation in Zoshchenko     559