Russian Verse Theory


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Product Overview


Foreword     9

Zsuzanna Bjorn Andersen

The Concept of "Lyric Disorder"     11

James Bailey

The Metrical Invariant in a Russian Lyric Folk Song     23

Jerzy Bartminski

On Melic and Declamatory Versions of Folk Songs     57

L. L. Bel'skah

Iz istorii dvustopnykh form russkikh trekhslozhnikov     81

Thomas Eekman

Verbal Interposition as a Stylistic Device in Russian Poetry     93

Stefano Gardzonio

Stikh russkikh poeticheskikh perevodov ital'ianskikh opernyx libretto. XVIII vek     107

M. L. Gasparov

Stroficheskii ritm v russkom 4-stopnom iambe i khoree     133

Geir Kjetsaa

The Relationship of High-Frequency Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives to Meters and Genres in the Age of Pushkin     149

Emily Klenin

Vocabulary Distribution and Genre Differentiation in Fet     163

Marina Abramovna Krasnoperova

Modelirovanie protsessa stikhxoslozheniia po veroiatnostnym parametram (na materiale chetyrekhstopnogo iamba M. V. Lomonosova)     183

Rah Kuncheva

Sintagma i ritm 4-st. iamba (Lomonosov, Pushkin)     193

Ian K. Lilly

The Russian Iambic 4343aBaB-Stanza Lyric: An Outline History     207

S. A. Matiash Russkii vol'nyi stikh v sravnenii s frantsuzskim i nemetskim i problema tipologii russkogo vol'nogo iamba XVIII-XIX vv.     227

David Lee Powelstock

The Rhythmic Structure of Valerij Brjusov's 3-Stress Dol'nik Line     235

Liutsillia Pshcholovska

Stikh perevodnoi i natsional'noi literatury (Na materiale perevodov iz russkoi poezii)     253

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere

Further Remarks on the Teleology of Metrical Rhythm     275

Omri Ronen

Dva poliusa paranomazii     287

Barry P. Scherr

The Verse Practice of Vladimir Benediktov     297

Michael Shapiro

The Meaning of Meter     331

J. Thomas Shaw

Horizontal Enrichment and Rhyme Theory for Studying the Poetry of Pushkin, Batjushkov, and Baratynskij     351

G. S. Smith

The Versification of Joseph Brodsky's Kellomiaki     377

K. F. Taranovskij

Shestistopnyi iamb Lomonosova     395

Marina Tarlinskaja

Formulas in Russian and English Verse     419

Walter Vickery

On the Incidence of the Attributive Adjective in Lermontov's Poetry     441

K. D. Viwnevskij

Raznoobrazie formy russkogo soneta     455

Ronald Vroon

Prosody and Poetic Sequences     473

Dean S. Worth

Phraseology as a Clue to Metrical Structure. Evidence from the Russian Funeral Lament     491

A. L. Zhovtis

Problema formal'nogo analoga v stikhotvornom perevode (Stikh angliiski i russkii)     509


"Indeed, this volume is more than the sum of its many and excellent parts, and it is not just for metrists: it is emphatically a book for all scholars of Russian verse." (SR)


"Der reichhaltige Sammelband vermittelt einen recht genauen Einblick in den im einzelnen sehr unterschiedlichen Stand der russischen Versforschung. (KL)