Rude and Barbarous Kingdom Revisited

Dunning et al.

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Product Overview

This volume is respectfully and affectionately presented to Robert O. Crummey on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the publication of his famous compilation Rude & Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers (1968). It contains cutting-edge explorations by leading international scholars of the themes that he himself has done so much to elucidate over a long and illustrious academic career: the royal court and the elite, religion and monasticism, overviews of Muscovy in comparative contexts, and the general themes of culture, war, and women. The contributions in the volume broadly reflect the highest regard his students and colleagues have for the erudition, imagination, and the generosity of spirit, of Robert Crummey. From “An Appreciation of Robert O. Crummey”: Bob Crummey belongs to a generation of American scholars of Muscovy that has made a truly extraordinary contribution to our knowledge of early mod¬ern Russia. Prof. Crummey’s remarkable corpus of published work, as well as his profound influence on his own students and on many others not officially under his academic care, clearly places him at the forefront of this remarkable generation. […] Robert Crummey has revolutionized two of the most important subfields within Muscovite history: studies of the Old Belief and studies of the Muscov¬ite elite. He has also written more general studies that place the history of Muscovy in the broader contexts of Russian history, European history, and world history. Daniel Rowland Associate Professor of History and Director Emmeritus of the Gaines Center for the Humanities, University of Kentucky This book is recommended for library collections at four-year colleges and research universities. 

Book reviews

Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas,, vol. 2, 2012