Monastic Traditions

Gribble & Matejic

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Monastic Traditions represents the "Selected Proceedings" of the Fourth International Hilandar Conference, held 14Ð15 August 1998, on the campus of The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, as part of the worldwide commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos, Greece. Of the 21 papers and abstracts represented in this volume, 13 are directly related to Hilandar Monastery and its spiritual and cultural legacy. These papers address various aspects of Hilandar Monastery, including: icons in Hilandar (S. Djurić), engravings and etchings (S. Mileusnić); edicts (P. Milich); folk poetry (K. Vidaković Petrov), and poetry (M. Joković). The vast majority of the Hilandar-related presentations are, however, related to manuscripts: taksidioti and manuscripts of Hilandar (A. Dzhurova and V. Velinova); linguistic aspects (J. Grković-Major); Hilandar Menaia (E. Guergova); "newly-discovered Hilandar manuscripts" (I. V. Pozdeeva and A. A. Turilov); Porphyry Uspensky and his manuscript-related activity in Hilandar (F. J. Thomson); Gregory of Nyssa as reflected in Hilandar codices (F. J. Thomson); and Paterika in Hilandar and other Athonite Slavic monasteries (W. Veder). The remaining eight presentations address monasticism, monastic traditions, Slavic manuscripts, new trends in manuscript preservation and description: Novgorod Occupation Archive (P. Ambrosiani); use of computers and new opportunities for manuscript description (R. M. Clemison); the pre-Hilandar Serbian "library" (A. Corin); Athos in Muscovite monastic life (D. M. Goldfrank); orthographic rules in medieval Cyrillic manuscripts (C. M. MacRobert); database and preservation of Slavonic manuscripts in Macedonia (G. Mitrevski); 16th-century Muscovite church studies (D. Ostrowski); and the Greek workbook of Timofei Veniaminov (R. Romanchuk). 1998 was also the 20th anniversary of the Hilandar Research Library, a special collection of the OSU Libraries that originated with and houses microfilms of the Slavic manuscripts of Hilandar Monastery, as well as microforms of over two million pages of Cyrillic manuscripts from over 100 other collections. Per Ambrosiani:The Novgorod Occupation Archive in Stockholm; R. M. Cleminson: Codices, Catalogues, and Computers; Andrew R. Corin: Early Textual Transmission from Bulgaria to Northern Dalmatia: A Source for Reconstructing the Pre-Hilandar Serbian "Library"; Srdjan Djurić: Hilandar Icons from the 12th to the 17th Centuries: Tales and Themes; Aksiniia Dzhurova: The Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Literary Tradition of Hilandar Monastery Reflected in Newly Discovered Manuscripts of Its Samokov Dependency, "Protective Veil of the Theotokos" Convent in Samokov; Aksiniia Dzhurova and Vasia Velinova: A Description of the Slavic Manuscripts of the "Protective Veil of the Theotokos" Convent in Samokov - Part II; David M. Goldfrank: The Role and Image of Athos in Muscovite Monastic Life of the Late 15th and Early 16th Centuries; Jasmina Grković-Major: Compounds in Varlaam and Ioasaph: Hilandar Slavic Manuscript No. 422; Emilia Guergova: Old Slavic Menaia: Structure and Content; Miroljub Joković: The "Hilandar" Metaphor in Contemporary Serbian Poetry; C. M. MacRobert: On the Nature of Orthographiccal Rules in Medieval Cyrillic Manuscripts; Slobodan Mileusnić: Eighteenth-Century Engravings of Hilandar Monastery; Petar Milich: Hilandar Slavic Edict No. 139/141: Getting Beyond the DŽjć Connu; George Mitrevski: Computerized Database of Slavonic Manuscripts in Macedonia; Donald Ostrowski: Current State of Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Church Studies; Krinka Vidaković Petrov: Hilandar and the Holy Mount in the Oral Poetic Tradition; Irina V. Pozdeeva and A. A. Turilov: New Discoveries and Identifications of Manuscripts of the Hilandar Scriptorium; Robert Romanchuk: Once Again on the Greek Workbook of Timofei Veniaminov, Fifteenth-Century Novgorod Monk; Francis J. Thompson: The Works by or Ascribed to Gregory of Nyssa in the Hilandar Monastery Slavic Manuscript Collection together with a Few Remarks on the Slav Reception of Christianity; William R. Veder: The Slavic Paterika on Mount Athos: Features of Text Transmission in Church Slavic