Essays on Revolutionary Culture

Strong, John W.

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Product Overview


Richard Stites: Festival and Revolution: The Role of Public Spectacle in Russia, 1917-1918;
Gabriele Gorzka: Proletarian Culture in Practice: Workers' Clubs, 1917-1921;
Felix Patrikeeff: Russian and Soviet Economic Penetration of North-Eastern China, 1895-1933;
Ben-Cion Pinchuk: Sovietization of the Shtetl of Eastern Poland, 1939-1941;
Michal Reiman: The Russian Revolution and Stalinism: A Political Problem and Its Historiographic Content;
Pierre Brouï: Party Opposition to Stalin (1930-1932) and the First Moscow Trial;
Graeme Gill: Stalinism and Institutionalization: The Nature of Stalin's Regional Support;
Niels E. Rosenfeldt: Stalinism as a System of Communication;
Michael Gelb: Mass Politics under Stalinism: Two Case Studies;
William Chase and J. Arch Getty: The Soviet Bureaucracy in 1935: A Socio-Political Profile;
Roberta T. Manning: Peasants and Party: Rural Administration in the Soviet Countryside on the Eve of World War II.