Christopher Read et. al. (eds.)

  • RGWR V3 B3: National Disintegration

    Christopher Read et. al. (eds.)

    RGWR V3 B3: National Disintegration

    For soldiers on the Great War’s Western Front the term home front suggested a degree of coziness, a place of retreat from the horrors of battle visualized by the poet Rupert Brooke in idyllic...

  • RGWR V3 B4: Reintegration-The Struggle for the State

    Christopher Read et. al. (eds.)

    RGWR V3 B4: Reintegration-The Struggle for the State

    For soldiers on the Great War’s Western Front the term home front suggested a degree of coziness, a place of retreat from the horrors of battle visualized by the poet Rupert Brooke in idyllic...
