Product Overview
Henrik Birnbaum
Where was the Center of the Moravian State?
Evelyn Bristol
The Avant-Garde in Russia and the West
Ellen Chances
Unheard Music: Literary Refrains in the Film A Forgotten Melody for the Flute
Andrew R. Durkin
The Generic Context of Rural Prose: Turgenev and the Pastoral Tradition
Thomas Eekman
Stylistic and Syntactic Innovation in Slavic Prose of the Early Twentieth Century
Norman W. Ingham
Sources on St. Ludmila, III: The Homily and Its "Echoes"
Ante Kadic
Ruke u knjizhevnosti, umjetnosti i narodnim obichajima
Robert E. Macmaster
Tolstoi and History
Lyubomira Parpulova-Gribble
The Concept of the Reader in Slavic Autobiographies: Protopop Avvakum, Dositej Obradovic, Sofronij Vrachanski
Maria Pavlovszky
Esenin i Remizov: Otrazhenie russkogo narodnogo samosoznanija
Walter Schamschula
The Igor' Tale from Its Czech to Its Gaelic Connection
Marianne and Michael Shapiro
Pushkin and Petrach
Peter Steiner
The Motivated Sign: The Concept of Symbol in Post-Symbolist Russian Letters
Ronelle Alexander
Remarks on the Evolution of South Slavic Prosodic Systems
Edna Andrews
The Iconicity of Gender Shifts in Contemporary Russian
James Bailey
On Analyzing the Rhythm of a Russian Funeral Lament
Christina Y. Bethin
The Glide [i]/[j] in Late Common Slavic
Michael S. Flier
Final Sonorant Clusters in East Slavic
George Fowler
A Syntactic Account of Derivational -sja in Russian
Victor A. Friedman
The Loss of the Imperfective Aorist in Macedonian: Structural Significance and Balkan Context
Louise B. Hammer
Incomplete Language Acquisition and Language Shift: The Slovak Language in America
Laura A. Janda
Cognitive Linguistics as a Continuation of the Jakobsonian Tradition: The Semantics of Russian and Czech Reflexives
Marvin Kantor
A Question of Language: Church Slavonic and the West Slavs
Emily Klenin
The Perfect Tense in the Laurentian Manuscript of 1377
Rado L. Lencek
On the Trail of *vy- Compounds in South Slavic
Horace G. Lunt
From Late Indo-European to Common Slavic Phonology
Johanna Nichols
The Linguistic Geography of the Slavic Expansion
Joseph Schallert
The Historical Accentuation of the Definite Singular Masculine Form in Balkan Slavic Dialects with Free Stress
William R. Schmalstieg
Lengthened Grade Iteratives in the Baltic and Slavic Languages
Benjamin A. Stolz and Jindrich Toman
Philologia Militans: Trubetzkoy and Jakobson on the Church Slavonic Heritage
Alan Timberlake
Isochrony in Late Common Slavic (Opyt foneticheskogo podxoda)
C. H. Van Schooneveld
The Dual and Slavic Linguistic Structure: Singulative Identificational Deixis
Ol'ga C. Yokoyama
Oppozicija svoj-chuzhoj v russkom jazyke.
"...contains 23 papers of a generally very high standard. ... This volume should be acquired by all libraries with serious Slavic collections. ...the editors and publishers are to be congratulated..." (SR)