American Contributions to the 10th International Congress of Slavists vol. 2: Literature

Edited by Jane Gary Harris

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Product Overview


Julia Alissandratos

Leskov Versus Flaubert as Connoisseur of a Medieval Narrative Pattern Closely Associated with Hagiography     7

James Bailey

The Russian Variant of the Slavic 5 + 5 Lyric Folk Meter     19

Adele Barker

The Mother's Hold: Case Studies from Russian and Homeric Epic     35

Robert L. Belknap

The Assembly of Literary Plots     53

Joseph Bozhichevic

Slavic "Esperanto" for Slavic Solidarity: Visions of Juraj Krizhanic (1618-1683)     61

Evelyn Bristol

The Acmeists and the Parnassian Heritage     71

Patricia Carden

Tolstoj and the Plutarchan Tradition     83

George Cheron

K. Bal'mont -- A Champion of Slavic Culture     97

Edith W. Clowes

Literary Decadence:

Sologub, Schopenhauer, and the Anxiety of Individuation     111

William Edgerton

The Social Influence of Lev Tolstoj in Bulgaria     123

Samuel Fiszman

Mickiewicz i Puszkin     139

John Fizer

Mukarovsky's Aesthetic Object in Light of Husserl's Phenomenology of the Intentional Object     155

Erika Freiberger-Sheikholeslami

Gustav G. Shpet's Theory of Interpretation as a Theory of Understanding     167

William E. Harkins

Two Folklore Librettos: Stravinsky's Svadebka and Janachek's Zapisnik zmizeleho     173

Jane Gary Harris

Autobiographical Theory and Contemporary Soviet and American Narrative Genres     191

Ante Kadic

Ivan Vazov kod Hrvata i Srba     211

Emily Klenin

Musicality in Russian and Polish Verse: Fet's Trochaic Tetrameter and Related Problems of Syllabotonic Versification     219

C. Nicholas Lee

The Theme of Death in War and Peace and The Thibaults     241

R. E. Makmaster

Dvorjanskij brak i burzhuaznyj roman v zhizni L. N. i S. A. Tolstyx (konspekt)     255

Gerald E. Mikkelson

The Narodas a Dramatis Persona in Pushkin's Boris Godunov     273

Johanna Nichols

Some Parallels in Slavic and Northeast Caucasian Folklore     283

Leslie O'Bell

Vogï, The Russian Novel and Russian Critical Tradition     305

Lyubomira Parpulova-Gribble

Toward a Reconstruction of the Relations between Folklore and Religion in the Balkans during the Middle Ages (On the Basis of the Ballad "The Immured Wife")     319

Savelij Senderovich

Opyt teoreticheskogo vvedenija v sravnitel'noe izuchenie agiografii     333

Philip Shashko

Tradition and Change in the Thought of Lyuben Karavelov     351

Rimvydas Shilbajoris

Tolstoy's Humanism in His Critique of Shakespeare     371

Greta N. Slobin

Polish Decadence and Modernist Russian Prose     381

Peter Steiner

Cops or Robbers: Vaclav Havel's Beggar's Opera     393

Olga Yokoyama and Brent Vine

Sound Patterns in the Slovo o polku Igoreve: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives on Old Russian Poetics.     415


"...provides a representative survey of current American scholarship on Slavic literature on a solid international level." (SEEJ) For more content on American Contributions please go here